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Extraordinary Women Leaders

Authentic Leadership | Sustainable Growth | Spirit of Community

League of 

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Fun facts that are not so fun!

  • India has the third-lowest global representation of women managers.

  • In 2019, women held only 8% of management roles, 9% of business management roles, and were only 2% of CEOs in India.

  • A 2020 analysis by Mercer of over 1,100 organizations across the world found a leaky pipeline for women in leadership:

Executives: 23%

Senior Managers: 29%

Managers: 37%

Professionals: 42%

Support Staff: 47%

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The ICS way forward

The League of Extraordinary Women Leaders (LEWL) is a program designed to meet these exact needs with support of our certified coaches and facilitators.

LEWL develops and builds strong women leaders by helping them:

  • Take a deep dive into their personalities to identify leadership qualities - those that strengthen them and those that hold them back

  • Create their unique leadership style and brand

  • Understand and apply communication models to influence without authority and with positive impact

  • Experience the power of leading with emotional intelligence to support and build individuals, teams and communities

  • Learn to mentor and coach other women and build a support community for women leaders within the organisation that will:

    • Focus on their needs and desired outcomes

    • Be a safe/sacred place to share challenges and nurture positive intention

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What can organisations do to build women leadership, develop their strong brand as a leader and support high-potential women leaders to be mentors and coaches to create a strong female pipeline?

What women bring to Organisations

Diversity: A diverse workforce is an innovative workforce

Women represent huge economic power and offer important consumer insight

Easier to attract and retain talent

Gender diversity initiatives improve business outcomes

(Source - Women in Business Management)

Women excel at the soft skills needed for business leadership and have the characteristics needed in leadership

"Companies should look at gender balance as a bottom-line issue, not just a human resource issue."

Deborah France-Massin
Director of the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities

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